Our Top Tips To Make The Most Of Hanging Your Artwork
Hanging Your Artwork Is Part Of The Fun Of Collecting - But It Can Be Tricky To Get It Right!
Getting The Height Right
It doesn’t matter how fabulous your artwork is, if it isn’t hung correctly it can really be a deal breaker! The most common fault is that people hang their artwork far too high, you shouldn’t have to crane your neck up to see the detail, or look down, for that matter!
The centre of the artwork should be roughly 153cm (or 5ft) above the ground. This is the usual standing eye-level height.
If hanging in a dining room or sitting room make sure that the artwork is hanging at sitting eye-level.
Artwork hung above a sofa or chair should have the bottom of the artwork roughly a hand’s width above the back of the furniture.
Reflection by Isabelle Beaubien
To Hang Or Not To Hang!
Always think carefully about the wall you are going to hang your artwork if you want it to have a long life!
Be careful about hanging artwork in a steamy bathroom or kitchen, especially if it is a framed artwork on paper. Much better to go with a metal or glass wall sculpture.
Don’t hang artwork over a radiator or heat source as this will dry the artwork and frame out. If you are really stuck on hanging over a radiator, then have a swapping ‘seasonal hang’. Have an artwork and mirror swap - hang the artwork over the radiator in the summer when the heat is off and then swap it with the mirror in the winter when the heat is on!
Don’t hang on a wall that is in sunlight as this will fade the artwork over time.
A Hold Between Inhale and Exhale by Rod McIntosh
Colour Highlights
Make the most of your wall and room accessories!
Paint your wall a colour to highlight your artwork! For instance, black and white artwork on a grey background looks stunning!
Pick a colour from your artwork as the accent colour for the wall and light fittings or furnishings!
Cairn B by Laura Benetton
In A Group?:
If you want to group you artwork together to make a feature wall, remember, the rule of having an odd number of objects displayed symmetrically and at eye level is very pleasing to the eye, although you must use a spirit level to make sure they are perfectly placed!
Always start with the largest artwork in the centre and then work the other artworks around it.
Symmetry if essential for this type of structured hanging. Make use all the artwork is level at the top as this is where the eye is drawn.
Either stick the same frames for a fully cohesive look or mix it completely with every frame a different style and colour for a more eclectic look.
Curate your picture display before hanging by placing on the floor first and taking a photograph of the image. Next cut paper templates for each frame and fix to the wall with blue tac as set out in your planned display. When you are satisfied that this arrangement that you wanted, start hanging your artwork in each position.
If you want to step out of the box a little – try hanging your artwork asymmetrically – especially if they have a common theme or content or colour.
Symmetrical Group Hang